Saturday, April 30, 2011

6) Future of America debt, why do you speak so positively of US?

Dick Holland, one their good friends. I don't see how you can not look
at this country and be positive, if you look at 1776 it has been the
most extraordinary economic period. I was born in August 1930, if
someone came to me in the womb and said you should see what its like
out there, 25% unemployment, dust bowl the grasshoppers are taking
over, dow will be at 42 down from 348. Since then quality of life is
up 6 to 1, there has been nothing like that. His father was anti-new
deal, we were told things were going to hell. My father in law told my
wife to be that he wanted to have a talk with me, doc thompson said i
want to tell you are going to fail but its not your fault, if you
starve my daughter would have starved anyone, the democrats are going
to take coutnry to communism and its not your fault. When I got out
of school in 1951, my dad and Ben Graham said you have a good future
in stocks but not now, the dow is above 200 and it never goes above
its a bad time to start. the coutnry always has a bad times, we had a
civil war, 15 recessions since it started, we will aways have a list
of reasons why the coutnry will fail, all i can tell you is it doesn't
happen in a straight line. capitalism is an amazing thing, the game
is not over, the rest of the world is catching up. china is not
smarter they don't work harder they have tapped into a system that
works wonderfully well.

CM - Oh I can go back further than that, Europe survived the black
death, the world is going to go on.

WB _ Do you have anything more?

CM- I have known Dick a long time, and i agree with some of what he
says. You can be cheerful if things are slightly deteriotaitnng. The
politicians are never so bad that you don't wish to have them back?

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