Saturday, April 30, 2011

15) Explain trading policies for employees?

there are three people that can execute trades, we are not an
investment advisory firm or a mutual fund. we have clear rules and i
can assure you they will be reviewed by audit committee. buffett was
on audit committee of coca cola, they had code violations they happen.
solo hit high up. we had a case where a friend of mine who was a VP
and we supplied the evidence that sent him to jail, we had a women
arrested in our office to make clear we mean business. we have sent
more than one person to jail. we can have all the records int he world
but bad things can happen. rules are not made to be danced around.

cm - greatest institutions hire people they trust a lot, its fun to be
trusted, you need mutual trust. big compliance dept are one wall st
and they have the most scandals

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