Saturday, April 30, 2011

3) Sokol has great talent but lacks integrity, but what if this happened to your successor?

assumption that sokol, was next in line which wasnt true but entitle
to think he was a candidate. i think its a good idea that my son
howard be chairman with no compensation, chance of mistake is low, the
leading candidate, id bet on him. the meek will inherit the earth but
will they remain meek? the executors will have a big block of stock
which can make a change of CEO as long as chairman and CEO are
different. its pretty hard if you have mediocre CEO, a bad ceo can be
kicked out. its not easy to kick out a CEO when the chairman is not
independent, but howard will act as a safety measure. the directors
will look at quality of human being as much as managerial skills, its
vital that you have someone BRK that cares more about BRK then
himself. we have multiple candidates that fulfill that.

CM - idea of buffet has precedent, the rockfeller family was in charge
of std oil, and they stepped in to throw out for moral reason.

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