Saturday, April 30, 2011

36) reinstating charitable program

it was tax efficient way to give away money, to give three charities,
no one else copied it, CEO wanted to direct contributions which is
wrong, we always had a small backlash of where the money went, BRK
would have contributed to planned parenthood and we are not going to
buy Sees candy but it never amounted to anything, then we bought
pampered chef 50,000 independent contractors usually women and a
campaign developed because BRK was giving to pro life from A class
shareholders were going to boycott Pampered Chef and they were being
hurt in their livelihoods, it was hurting a whole lot of people,
reluctantly i ended it. When we started hurting our 50000 employees
it became apparent to me it was unfair and i reluctantly stopped it.

cm - we didn't want parent company debating social debates of the time

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