Saturday, April 30, 2011

30) If you were to have a kid in 5 years how would you motivate them against other countries?

If you are very rich and you bring them up to thin they certain
privilege to think they got rom the right womb thats wrong, if you
raise them that others should do the work for them and fan themselves
you wont get a good result. I didn't want to give them an idea that
they were special because they were rich, dotn give them an incentive
to do better than the parent in what they have done well (thats not
fair), if your rich and urkids have no incentives its ur fault as a

CM - I dont think you can raise kids affluent family an expect them to
dig fence poles, my advice is lose your fight as gracefully as you
can, its rare to have alit like intensity and passion, if your
proctologist you might not like your day

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