Saturday, April 30, 2011

34) Congress and the debt ceiling?

If they don't raise it, it would be the most asinine act they ever
performed. In Indiana they passed a bill to make pi an even 3 to make
it easier to learn that is the only thing that could compete with the
worst idea of not raising the debt ceiling, having a ceiling is
mistake. the debt capacity of 2011 is different then 2009, it doesn't
mean i dotn think it should grow larger as gdp but the amount of time
wasted, we have a lot do this is ridiculous waste, in the end there is
not chance they don't raise it, i wish they would eliminate they just
use it for posturing purposes, we wont have a problem as long we keep
isuing in our currencies, they difference between borrowing in your
own and somebody others is night and day! our only issues are the
printing press no working and inflation. we were trying to buying a
bank in in in (CM Chicago) only place we could find money in 1960s
were Kuwait in Dinars, but we didn't want to borrow in a foreign

CM - i remember an era of bipartisan foreign policy (marshall plan)
now it seems to me both parties are competing to see who is the most
stupid and they keep topping each other

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