Saturday, April 30, 2011

35) Midamerica trying to build nuclear plant in Iowa? Bond like return is it worth mega catastrophe risk

I dont think there is anything like in the exposure you refered to, i
think nuclear power is very important in our future, 20% of
electricity in US is nuclear, OPPD has nuclear facility. I think
nuclear is important and I think it is safe, it is not going anywhere
in the US because of what happened in Tokyo but that doesn't change my
view that we should continue to develop nuclear around the world.

CM - We cant be so risk adverse that things taking a tiny dent in a
subsidiary, we have to have a reasonable amount of courage to run this

wb - we have to carry toxic waste on RR, but I regard myself as a
Chief Risk Officer, we are not doing anything that pressing my
imagination that will not take one nights sleep

cm - you can believe iowa will have a far safer plant

wb - far more people lsot their lives in coal mines

cm - and if a tsunami gets to iowa that will be hell of tsunami

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