Saturday, May 2, 2009

44) How can shareholders effect exec comp?

Had a senator and asked what statue I can enact to make constiutients calm down. There prob isn't. The last time was u could not deduct top 5 exec over a mil. This was the most counterproductive piece of legislation and that's a big stmt. Wb recommended repealing. I have always proposed this, you need top half dozen invest mngrs need to speak out on most aggregious behavior. The way you change a big shot you embarass them. Big investors with press could make real change. You only need 3 or 4 they manage trillions and if the spoke up every once in a while they could cause change.

Its the honor system, shareholder has honor and ceo has system.

Cm - invest mngr don't add much value and pensions and controlled by left wing politicians, sadly I don't see much chnage