Monday, May 2, 2011

46) Glen Tongue: next acquisition, what can shareholders do to help?

Our appetite is always there, we are not going to borrow a lot of
money, we are not going to issue shares, our cash balances will tend
to build. Lubrizol was $9B we are looking at a couple more that are
the same size, we cant do a really big elephant now, we wont stretch,
we have not taken extra risk because we dont need to

cm - very reluctant to issue shares, very different to other places,
friend sold to socialist country and country sold shares and said we
are getting this for nothing haha

wb - we hate issuing shares

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45) performance

No manager results should be shorter than 5 years,  in reference to Todd Combs

Do Swiss Re and Munich Re decrease reinsurance?

Less than $4b, so it would not change at all what we are willing to
do. We are way below capacity in regards to risk we are going to

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blogger jammed - I have about 5 posts left

43) Youth unemployment, entrepreneurial market positive

I did it by living at the Omaha public library for 3 years, anything
you do to improve your own skills will make you better you just don't
know when. The only diploma I have in my office is my Dale Carnegie, I
paid $100. You should start with communication.  If I never worked on
it, my life would have been very different.You want to find something
your passionate about and work hard in it.

CM - econ is a tough subject, the experts disagree, i would not hurry
into a field where teh experts dont agree id master the easy stuff.

WB _ I would not aedvise taking lots of courses in economics, they
didn't help me in any significant way

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42) If NetJets was "almost" bankrupt why didnt you tell customers?

I meant if not owned by BRK it would have been going towards
bankruptcy, we put money in to protect it (1.9B).

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41) Will Charlie do a meeting?

Yea we do it, called Afternoon with Charlie its only with hardcore addicts

Wind power
WB - its terrific but only when it blows, which is 35% of the time in
Omaha, never will be base load, wind is cleanest but it cant be relied
on, economics only make sense with an incentive tax credit from govt
which they have been doing, on its own it will not return and adequate
return on capital, BRK has paid 2% of all the corporate taxes, so they
have tax capacity to build more wind projects

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